Tuesday, October 29, 2024
As an attorney, I have spent the past 24 years representing many of the brave soldiers and veterans of Fort Cavazos Military Installation (formerly Fort Hood). I have saved their homes, addressed their IRS issues, and stopped harassment and lawsuits filed against them. I was therefore so shocked to learn that Donald Trump reportedly belittled the family of Army Specialist Vanessa Guillén—a soldier stationed at Fort Cavazos who was brutally murdered on base after bravely speaking up about sexual harassment. Trump defamed her memory when remarking about her funeral expenses.

Trump allegedly said, “It doesn't cost 60,000 bucks to bury a f****** Mexican!”
The reality is stark: he has never respected our military. What then does this say about people like my opponent who blindly support him?
For over two decades, I’ve advocated tirelessly for the men and women stationed at Fort Cavazos who serve. It has literally been a great honor to represent these soldiers and veterans. Vanessa Guillén’s murder highlighted the urgent need for systemic change to protect our service members, and that commitment is what drives me every day. Our military deserves leaders who honor their service, not ones who mock their sacrifices.
This fight is personal to me, and I know it matters to you, too. Our troops deserve representatives who respect them and are committed to making Texas and our country better for all who serve.
Thank you for standing with me in this mission.
Erin Shank
Candidate for the Texas House of Representatives, HD 56
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