In a recent interview, my opponent, Pat Curry, was asked a critical question: Does he support any exceptions to Texas’s strict abortion laws, particularly for cases of rape, incest, or the life of the mother? His answer? "I don’t know. I haven’t been involved in that." And, when asked again, he simply said, "Not particularly. I mean, I’m pro-life."

For Texans, this issue is no hypothetical—women are suffering and dying as a result of restrictive laws that lack essential, humane exceptions. In states like Texas and Georgia, doctors, out of fear of prosecution, are withholding essential care, leaving desperate women with no place to turn. We need leaders who understand the gravity of this issue, not ones who avoid answering because it’s “not their focus.”
Unfortunately, Pat Curry’s lack of focus doesn’t end there. He’s also shown little interest in addressing the real problems in our public schools, championing vouchers that could drain public funds without real solutions for our struggling school districts. Teachers—many of whom are women—deserve support, not policy proposals that sideline our schools for a voucher plan that will take millions of our tax dollars and give them to students already attending private schools.
I made the choice to have a disabled child and was forced to go to court to protect her from these strict laws that have no exception for rape or the life or health of the mother. We must fight for the lives of our girls—they are you, your sister, your friend, your daughter.
If you believe, as I do, that Texas needs an experienced attorney who will stand up for the lives of women and for our public schools and their teachers, please vote for Erin Shank for Texas House. I am ready to represent this community, just like I have represented 6,500 individuals in Central Texas throughout the past 41 years as one of McLennan County’s most senior attorneys.
Thank you,
Erin Shank
Candidate for the Texas House of Representatives, HD 56
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